You selected the lovely little blue and green planet.

As if steering a plane, you swoop left and right as you enter the planet’s atmosphere. You push your way through the dense yet pillowy clouds, flying towards the lush trees and shrubbery below. Before you even hit the surface, the aroma of the outdoors hits your nose and you feel the humidity of a recent rain on your skin.

You’re amazed as you mange to land safe and sound, in a feeling very similar to falling while in a dream. You also notice you’ve landed on the side of a road, forking into two directions and coming from seemingly nowhere.

You stare at the two separate paths that lay before you. One is a street paved with gold that winds towards a great, big castle barely visible through the mist. The other path is a lot more humble: traditional cobblestone that slithers towards a town where you can hear a crowd of people and music.

Which road do you take?